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Timur Muravyov
Timur Muravyov

_HOT_ Full Flare 2015

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory obtained images of three mid-level solar flares that erupted on March 7-9, 2015, all from the same active region on the surface of the sun. Image released March 10, 2015. Read the Full Story Here.

FULL Flare 2015

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured an image of an X2.2 solar flare on March 11, 2015, seen as a bright flash of light on the left side of the sun. Earth is shown for scale. Read the Full Story Here.

The first significant solar flare of 2015 erupted just before midnight EST on Monday (Jan. 12). This image of the flare, capture by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, combines two wavelengths of light.

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MudBusters are now available for 2015+ full-size Polaris Ranger models! This is a MUST HAVE for your vehicle if you do any riding on wet terrain! If you're sick of the mud and the time wasted on clean-up, our fender flares are the answer you're looking for! Our Ranger kits provide aggressive styling and maximum mud protection! We recommend the standard and extra coverage combo kits that consist of front fenders, upper & forward rear fenders, and dump box panels. Featuring:

Klock Werks makes every effort to design effective packaging to protect its products for shipment to its customers. Our products are carefully inspected prior to shipment from our facility to make sure they are accurate and packaged correctly. However, packages are sometimes handled roughly or are loaded and unloaded many times before being delivered to you, the end user. Multiple shipments and handlers or rough treatment can cause damage.If you receive your items and suspect a problem, immediately notify the delivery company. If you are present when the shipment arrives, make sure to note any packaging damage observed and write it on the delivery receipt before the driver leaves. This will simplify the resolution of any problems that you may notice once you have unpackaged your product.

All returns will be subject to a 20% restocking fee. You may return most new, unopened items for a full refund within 30 days of delivery. These items should be in their original packaging and have their serial number or UPC. If you would like to make a return or exchange, you must contact us by phone or email and request a RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number before returning your items. This RMA number should be easily visible on the outside of the returned package.

Context. Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP) of the electromagnetic radiation emitted in solar and stellar flares are often detected in microwave, white light, X-ray, and gamma-ray bands. Mechanisms for QPP are intensively debated in the literature. Previous studies revealed that QPP may manifest non-linear, non-stationary and, perhaps, multi-modal processes operating in flares.

Aims. We study QPP of the microwave emission generated in an X3.2-class solar flare on 14 May, 2013, observed with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH), aiming to reveal signatures of the non-linear, non-stationary, and multi-modal processes in the signal.

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Our Ford Mustang widebody kit will fit all variations of S550-bodied (2015 through 2017) Ford Mustang. The kit will fit both coupe and convertible bodystyles of GT and EcoBoost models. It will also fit GT350 and GT350R with some additional custom work on the front bumper flares (some minor trimming is required).

This 2015-2017 Ford Mustang widebody kit comes with mounting hardware (Type 3) and rubber gaskets. For those customers looking to mount the kit with different style of hardware we offer a choice of Type 1 and Type 2 mounting hardware. The type of mounting hardware is nothing more than a personal choice.


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