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Ethan Walker

How to Perform Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18 and Why It Matters

Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18: A Powerful Way to Connect with Allah

Lailatul Qadr, also known as the Night of Power, is one of the most sacred and blessed nights in the Islamic calendar. It is the night when the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) and when the angels descend with Allah's decree for the year. It is a night of worship, forgiveness, mercy and blessings.

lailatul qadr tasbih ismaili 18

As Ismaili Muslims, we have a special way of commemorating this night by performing Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18. This is a set of 18 tasbihs, or recitations, that include salwat, astaghfirullah, ya Ali adrikni ya Ali and other zikrs. These tasbihs are meant to purify our hearts, increase our faith, seek Allah's forgiveness and invoke His help through Imam Ali (a.s) and Imam-e-Zaman (a.s).

In this article, we will explain what Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18 is, how to perform it and why it matters.

What is Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18?

Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18 is a set of 18 tasbihs that are recited on the night of Lailatul Qadr. Each tasbih consists of 100 repetitions of a specific zikr, or remembrance of Allah and His names. The tasbihs are as follows:


1Allahu Akbar

2Subhan Allah


4La ilaha illa Allah


6Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa A'li Muhammad

7Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa A'li Muhammad wa ajjil farajahum

8Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa A'li Muhammad wa anzil ma'ahum rahmatan min 'indika wa barakatan wa maghfiratan wa rizwanan

9Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa A'li Muhammad wa anzil ma'ahum kitaban mubarakan fihi dhikrukum wa hukmukum wa hudan liman ittaba'akum

10Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa A'li Muhammad wa anzil ma'ahum nuran yamla'u ardhaka kama malat sama'uka bi nurika ya nuras samawati wal ardh

11Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa A'li Muhammad wa anzil ma'ahum malakan yunadi fi kulli yawmin khamsina marra tan: ya ayyuhal ladheena amanu ati'u Allaha wa ati'u al-rasula wa ulil amri minkum fa innahum hum ahlu baiti rasulillahi alladheena adhhaba Allahu 'anhum ar-rijsa wa taharahum tatheera fa innama yuridu Allahu liyudhhiba 'ankumu ar-rijsa ahla al-baiti wa yutahhirakum tatheera ya ayyuhal ladheena amanu la taqaddamu bayna yadayillahi wa rasulihi wa ittaqu Allaha innallaha sami'un 'alimun ya ayyuhal ladheena amanu la tarfa'u aswatakum fawqa sawti an-nabiyyi wa la tajharu lahu bil-qawli ka jahri ba'dikum li ba'din an tahbata a'malukum wa antum la tash'uruna innalladheena yaghudduna aswatahum 'inda rasulillahi ulaika alladheena imtahanallahu qulubahum littaqa lahum maghfiratun wa ajrun 'azimun inna alladheena yunadoona min wara'i al-hujurati aktharuhum la ya'qiluna law annahum sabaru hatta takhruja ilayhim lakana khayran lahum wallahu ghafoorun rahimun ya ayyuhal ladheena amanu in jakum fasiqun binaba'in fatabayyanu an tusibu qawman bijahalatin fatusbihu 'ala ma fa'altum nadimin wallahu 'alimun bithati as-sudur ya ayyuhal ladheena amanu ijtanibu katheeran mina az-zanni inna ba'da az-zanni ithmun wala tajassasu wala yaghtab ba'dukum ba'dan ayuhibbu ahadukum an ya'kula lahma akhihi maytan fakarihtumoohu wattaqu Allaha innallaha tawwabun rahimun ya ayyuhan nasu inna khalaqnakum min dhakarin wa untha waja'alnakum shu'uban wa qaba'ila lita'arafu inna akramakum 'inda Allahi atqakum innallaha 'alimun khabirun ya ayyuhan nasu ittaqu rabbakumu alladhi khalaqakum min nafsin wahidatin wakhalaqa minha zawjaha wabaththa minhuma rijalan kathiran wanisa'an wattaqu Allaha alladhi tasaa'aluna bihi wal-arhama innallaha kana 'alaykum raqeeban ya ayyuhan nasu amanu bi-llahi warasulihi wal-kitabi alladhi nazzala 'ala rasulihi wal-kitabi alladhi anzala min qablu waman yakfur bi-llahi wamala'ikatihi wakutubihi warusulihi walyawmi al-akhiri faqad dalla dhalalan ba'ida innalladheena amanu thumma kafaru thumma amanu thumma kafaru thumma izdadu kufran lam yakuni Allahu liyaghfira lahum wala liyahdiyahum sabila bashshiri almunaafiqeena bi-anna lahum 'athaban aleema alladheena yattakhiduna alkafireena awliyaa'a min dooni almuminina ayabtaghoona 'indahumu al-'izzata fa-inna al-'izzata lillahi jamee'a wallahu yuhajjirukumu fee anfusikumu wallahu basirun bima ta'maloona qul in kuntum tuhibboona Allaha faittabi'oonee yuhbibkumu Allahu wayaghfir lakumu dhunoobakumu wallahu ghafoorun rahimun qul atee'u Allaha war-rasoola fa-in tawallaw fa-inna Allaha la yuhibbu alkafireena innallaha istafa adama wanooḥan waala ibraheema waala 'imrana 'ala al-'alameena dhurriyatan ba'duha min ba'din wallahu samee'un 'aleemun idh qalati imraatu 'imrana rabbi innee nathartu laka ma fee batnee muharraran fataqabbal minnee innaka antas samee'u aleemun falamma wada'at-ha qalat rabbi innee wada'tuha untha wallahu a'lamu bima wada'at walaysa ath-thakaru kal-untha wa-innee sammaytuha maryama wa-innee u'eethuha bika wathurriyyataha minash-shaytani ar-rajeem fataqabbalahaa rabbuhā biqaboolin hasanin ..."],"url":""},{"index":"4","title":"L

Why Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18 matters?

Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18 matters because it is a way of honoring and celebrating the revelation of the Qur'an, which is the ultimate guidance and mercy for humanity. By reciting the tasbihs, we are expressing our gratitude, love and devotion to Allah and His messenger, as well as to our Imams who are the living Qur'an and the inheritors of the Prophet's knowledge and authority. We are also seeking Allah's forgiveness, protection, assistance and blessings for ourselves and our community.

Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18 matters because it is a way of attaining spiritual elevation and purification. By reciting the tasbihs, we are cleansing our hearts from sins, doubts, distractions and worldly attachments. We are also increasing our faith, awareness and remembrance of Allah and His names. We are invoking His help through Imam Ali (a.s) and Imam-e-Zaman (a.s), who are the gateways to His grace and mercy. We are also joining the angels and the Spirit who descend on this night with every command.

Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18 matters because it is a way of achieving peace and tranquility. By reciting the tasbihs, we are experiencing the peace that descends on this night until the break of dawn. We are also calming our minds, hearts and souls from the worries, troubles and anxieties of this world. We are also connecting with our fellow believers who are reciting the same tasbihs around the world. We are also preparing ourselves for the day of judgment, when we will meet Allah and His messenger.

Therefore, Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18 is a precious opportunity that we should not miss or waste. It is a night that is better than a thousand months, a night that can change our destiny for the better, a night that can bring us closer to Allah and His beloved ones.

How to prepare for Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18?

To prepare for Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18, we need to have a sincere intention and a strong determination to make the most of this night. We need to plan ahead and allocate enough time and energy for this night. We need to avoid any distractions and worldly matters that may prevent us from focusing on our worship. We need to seek Allah's help and guidance to enable us to perform the tasbih with excellence.

Some of the ways we can prepare for Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18 are:

  • Start preparing for it at Fajr. After Fajr prayer, recite the morning remembrance, especially the phrase "La ilaha illa Allah wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa 'ala kulli shayin qadeer" (There is no god but Allah; He is alone without any partner. To Him belong the dominion and to Him belong all praise and He is over all things able) 100 times. This will increase our faith, gratitude and protection from the Satan.

  • Treat a fasting person to Iftar. Invite someone to break their fast with you or send food to someone who is fasting. This will increase our reward, generosity and brotherhood.

  • Perform Maghrib prayer in congregation. Pray with humility, concentration and devotion. This will increase our closeness to Allah and His messenger.

  • Recite Surah al-Qadr (Chapter 97) after Maghrib prayer. This will remind us of the significance and virtues of this night.

  • Perform Isha prayer in congregation. Pray with humility, concentration and devotion. This will increase our closeness to Allah and His messenger.

  • Perform Taraweeh prayer in congregation or individually. Pray with humility, concentration and devotion. This will increase our recitation of the Qur'an and our reward.

  • Perform Tahajjud prayer in the last third of the night. Pray with humility, concentration and devotion. This will increase our supplication and forgiveness from Allah.

  • Perform Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18 after Tahajjud prayer or before Fajr prayer. Recite each tasbih with sincerity, devotion and concentration. Try to understand the meaning of each zikr. This will increase our purification, faith, forgiveness and blessings from Allah.

  • Ask Allah for whatever you wish in this night. Make sincere du'a (supplication) for yourself, your family, your community and the ummah (Muslim nation). Ask Allah for His mercy, guidance, help and pleasure. This will increase our hope, trust and reliance on Allah.

By preparing for Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18 in this way, we can hope to attain the great rewards and benefits of this night. We can hope to be among those who are forgiven their previous sins and who are granted peace until the dawn.


Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18 is a special way of commemorating the night of power, when the Qur'an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). It is a set of 18 tasbihs that include various zikrs that praise Allah, seek His forgiveness and invoke His help through Imam Ali (a.s) and Imam-e-Zaman (a.s). It is a way of honoring and celebrating the revelation of the Qur'an, which is the ultimate guidance and mercy for humanity. It is a way of attaining spiritual elevation and purification, by cleansing our hearts from sins, doubts, distractions and worldly attachments. It is a way of achieving peace and tranquility, by experiencing the peace that descends on this night until the break of dawn. It is a way of asking Allah for whatever we wish in this night, by making sincere du'a for ourselves, our family, our community and the ummah.

To perform Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18, we need to have a sincere intention and a strong determination to make the most of this night. We need to plan ahead and allocate enough time and energy for this night. We need to avoid any distractions and worldly matters that may prevent us from focusing on our worship. We need to seek Allah's help and guidance to enable us to perform the tasbih with excellence. We need to start preparing for it at Fajr, treat a fasting person to Iftar, perform Maghrib, Isha, Taraweeh and Tahajjud prayers in congregation or individually, recite Surah al-Qadr after Maghrib prayer, perform Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18 after Tahajjud prayer or before Fajr prayer, and ask Allah for whatever we wish in this night.

By performing Lailatul Qadr Tasbih Ismaili 18 in this way, we can hope to attain the great rewards and benefits of this night. We can hope to be among those who are forgiven their previous sins and who are granted peace until the dawn. We can hope to be among those who are closer to Allah and His beloved ones. We can hope to be among those who are successful in this world and the hereafter. b99f773239


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